Meet Twinkie, the spirited 1-year-old yellow Lab mix with boundless energy and an insatiable thirst for adventure. With his sunny disposition and wagging tail, Twinkie is always ready to embark on new journeys and explore the world around him. We truly cannot figure out why this loveable lab has not found his forever yet! Eager to find a family who shares his zest for life, Twinkie dreams of days filled with playtime, laughter, and endless outdoor adventures. Whether it's chasing after a ball in the yard or strolling through the neighborhood. Twinkie is an attentive and curious dog who thrives on taking leisurely strolls and soaking in the sights, sounds, and scents of the world around him. His friendly nature makes him eager to meet new human and canine friends along the way. Twinkie is a very smart young boy who knows sit and paw. He is eager to learn and please his people. Come to Orphans to meet this amazing boy.