
Oh, our sweet, sweet Ferris! We just adore this older gentleman. His wrinkly face is just to die for; he makes everyone smile. Ferris attends playgroup almost daily; and is part of the "gentle and dainty crowd. Our "GDs as we call them, are more of co-existers than active players. Ferris likes to slowly trot around the fence line, grabbing grass for a snack, and occasionally sniffing and very gently saying "hello to another dog who he crosses paths with. You can also find him rolling in the wood chips or taking a drink from the baby pool. Every once in a while, Ferris will get a happy burst of excitement and play with another dog. It's so cute to watch him flop around in joy! Ferris walks nicely on leash, too, and has such a nice calm presence. We think he's such a great age to get a dog - he has outgrown all puppy habits, but not an old dog by any means! He is a balanced, well mannered guy who knows what he wants in life: a forever family!