Meet all of our cats

Please visit our new cat wing, where you will find dozens of cats. Below is a selection of beautiful cats waiting for adoption.

The very handsome and dashing Tux came to us by a long time volunteer of Orphans, Alison Claus. She found him outside where she lived and patiently made friends with him by feeding and talking to him calmly. Come meet this gentle boy! A bit more about Tux from Alison: "Tux came to our neighborhood some time in the late spring. He was obviously hungry and somewhat wary but did not act like a feral cat. He did not seem to be afraid of humans. Several of us started to feed him and he remained a bit nervous as he ate but didn't run or stay away from us. His feeding place was on my property which was undergoing construction so I moved where I fed him to another site on the property which he easily found. He gradually began to trust the two of us who fed him so that he would come close while we put out the food and after he cleaned the dish would stay close and roll around and show trust and friendliness. A few weeks ago he started to rub our legs and allow a few pets. I was able to get him to eat in a large cat carrier and managed to shut the door while he was in it. He surprised me by being calm and after a few tries to get out ,settled down and didn't even cry. He was quiet for the whole ride to Orphans and when I got here went into the cage they made for him without any trouble or real effort to get out. Since he has been here I have visited him every day and he lets me pet him and loves to get rubs and return them. He eats treats and food from my hand. In the meet and greet room he retires to a back corner but come out when I coax him. He doesn't know how to play with objects or sit in a lap but if you get down on his level he is extremely affectionate. Several of the counselors have come in while I am there and he lets them handle him with ease as well. The person who adopts him should be ready to deal with him on his terms and not push advances and he will soon approach them when they feed him. I think he will need a little time to get used to a new environment but once he does he will be a sweet and loving cat."